Team Stats
Here you can see team performance. Now, I am going to be honest. The scoring system in the first Twitch Rivals tournament wasn't the best. It seems like it favors games with more rounds and if your team loses a 50-50 stage in early rounds you are kind of screwed. Also the total score does not reflect the whole truth. Obviously teams who played more games have a higher score. A more realistic measure is the average score per game. So all of the charts, at least for the first Twitch Rivals tournament, are averaged by the number of games each player/team played.
Teams not shown didn't get a crown. Approximately 90% of teams had at least one crown. Tyler...
Team Scarra was approximately getting a crown every game until they lost a 50-50 stage and got eliminated. Tyler1's team managed to finish 14th despite not getting a single crown. Well at least they did something worth noting.